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Camelion Utilizes Renewable Energy to Power Its Battery Plant

Sustainability is a key part of Camelion's corporate principles. To help reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change, Camelion has been making efforts on its sustainable business.

In these two years, Camelion accelerates this mission by launching a Solar Rooftop Project. It sets up solar panels on the roof of its plant to substitute traditional hydroelectric power with self-generated renewable solar energy.  The successful implementation of this Solar Rooftop Project has already contributed to a huge reduction in the usage of traditional hydroelectric energy ever since its installation.   

According to the data collected from the Camelion plant, the solar energy system has already contributed 15% percent of the overall production electricity consumption, achieving 800KW daytime power generation, and the cumulative power generation reaches 110,000 KW/h to this day since its installation. This renewable energy project is continuously generating increased energy security, climate change mitigation, and the creation of new values for our business. 

Moreover, Camelion has been making efforts to reduce its energy consumption such as changing all the utilities’ lighting to LEDs, adopting the world's leading battery-producing system with advanced resources recycling capability, as well as initiating numerous environmental activities to promote a green lifestyle. 

We aim to run a sustainable business to keep pushing the boundaries of energy efficiency, and we ensure better sustainable technologies that ease your burden and enhance a better future for our world. 
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